Windows 10: How to use Internet Explorer without installing it instead of Edge

Internet-explorer-spartan-edge With Windows 10 appeared a new browser, replacing Internet Explorer: Microsoft Edge. If for a reason any (you don't like, bugs, etc… ), you want to see the old Internet Explorer instead of Edge on Windows 10, know that it is always present! So you don't just need to install it, it is ready to use! ^^ To do this, simply right click on the magnifying glass which is located to the right of the icon of the menu start, in the search bar, you type iexplore.exe, click the result it gives you and hop, it's your IE version 11 released!   AndInternet-explorer-edge-windows-10 as any program, nothing prevents you to put a shortcut on your desktop! N.B.: As IE is replaced by Edge, long term, it will be normally supported by Microsoft and therefore more up to date… and who says more updated means risk of vulnerabilities unpatched and risk of hacker attacks.

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