How to hide the shortcut of a program often used

The Windows Start menu lists all programs recently, with top ones you use the most. If you want to hide one of those programs that you use frequently while leaving others, this tip is for you!

Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Click su start menu
  2. Locate regedit and clickRegedit-windows
  3. go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTApplications (well pay attention to Scripture, there are .application what is totally different!) Don’t be mistaken! ) and look for the name of the program (it always ends in .exe)Regedit-windows-hkey
  4. If the name of the program you are looking for is not there, create it by right click New-> key (to know the name of a program to .exe, made a right click on the shortcut-> properties-> target and very end of target, you have the name to .exe)
  5. When you have the name of your program, make a right click in the folder: new-> value chain and put like NoStartPage valueRegedit-emule

And voila, you can apply this trick of program you want.

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