In Windows, you can easily hide or protect a file or folder from deletion or other change: A simple right-click, followed by a left click on Properties, then check Hidden to hide it or Play it alone to protect it. If you don’t want a folder or file to be seen by other people who use the same computer, the solution of hiding the folder is effective provided the person does not know the method to find the file mentioned… However, this method of revealing hidden folders is impractical in frequent use of the relevant folder: you have to go into the explorer, access menus by pressing the ALT button, click Tools, Folder Options, Display tab, Choose View hidden files, folders and drives, and finally, press Apply or Ok to validate it all! If you have to do this every day that you want to access the hidden folder, it quickly becomes annoying! Not to mention, after that, we must not forget to hide the files… Another method to protect a folder is to protect it by password! Invisible and inaccessible without a password! ;-) I’ll show you here how to do this without software:
- First open your notebook: Windows Menu, All Programs, Accessories, NoteBlock
- Insert the following:
Cls @echo off title Locking folder by IF EXIST "Control Panel. '21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D' GOTO UNLOCK IF EXIST "LOCK" GOTO LOCKK IF NOT EXIST Locker GOTO MDLOCKER echo Dossier cree. :CONFIRM echo Will you lock this folder? (O/N) set/p "cho" IF %cho%-O GOTO LOCK IF %cho%-o GOTO LOCK IF %cho%-N GOTO END IF %cho%-n GOTO END Echo Invalid Choice. Answer with O or N. GOTO CONFIRM In :LOCK locker "Control Panel. '21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D'" attrib 's" Control Panel. '21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D'" echo Dossier locks. GOTO END In:UNLOCK echo Please enter your password to open this folder: set/p "pass" IF NOT %pass% -MDP GOTO FAIL attrib -h -s "Control Panel. '21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D'" ren "Control Panel. '21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D'" LOCK file echo unlock with success. GOTO END :FAIL Echo Invalid password! GOTO END MDLOCKER Locker Md. echo Private record created with success. In:LOCKK ren LOCK "Control Panel. '21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D'" attrib 's" Control Panel. '21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D'" echo Dossier locks. GOTO END GOTO END IN:END break
- Save it under the name xxx.bat (replace the xxx with what you want, the most important thing is that it is saved with the .bat extension), where you’re going to put your protected folder.
Note: The registered password is by default MDP, if you want another one, you just need to change the CDM by your new password in the .bat file.
- Once your .bat file has been saved, double-click on it. A new folder called “Locker” will be created.
- Put all the files you want to hide in it.
- Double-click on the .bat file, on request would you like to lock this folder, type O.
And that’s it, your file is now hidden! I still want to clarify that this trick is a trick called easy, it is very easy to get around it for anyone with computer knowledge. This trick allows you to hide and reappear your folder without going into the Windows Explorer configuration, nor into the properties of the files, under no circumstances does this trick encrypt your files!