A shield-free antivirus/real-time protection is strictly useless!!!
Without real-time shield activated, your antivirus will let go of all the crap your computer will encounter while browsing the net! It’s as simple as that! It is essential to have an antivirus with real-time protection active (and updated), as this will block (almost) all the threats known by the antivirus and according to the technology used, even blocking threats not yet known to the antiviral base (detection or suspicion of a malicious code part through the heuristics method)! Real-time, non-shield antivirus is usually demo versions (free trial) of the paid version, and does not allow to find viruses, malware and junk as on demand, IE when these are already well installed in your computer and only when you make the request to scan your PC! But it is easier to fight an intruder when it comes to your door and before it enters completely only when it is already at home and already has access to all your data, slows down your computer and tries to hide from your antivirus or make it o You bsolete! It is also important to know that a real-time shield is not perfect: it can allow intruders to enter without realizing it, even if the threat is known from the viral base. Sometimes it happens that it lets in a first threat without detecting anything and that it is when this first threat begins to download other threats that the shield begins to react. By doing a manual antiviral scan of your entire computer you will be able to discover intruders! One might think that the software has a defect and that it would be more interesting to use another antivirus, but it is not necessary, the same antiviral software can very well discover the intruder during a complete analysis of the computer, and it is often the case for all antivirus! Moreover, using 2 or more antivirus (with real-time shield activated) is not recommended: there is a high risk of conflict, and may annihilate both! It is also necessary to update its malicious code definition database so that your antivirus is at its maximum detection capacity! Companies that publish antiviral solutions usually come out with several updates of the base of definitions per day, but I advise you not to do it several times a day: If a false positive is inserted and it concerns a vital file of your computer, the editor will not have time to correct the shot and it is your computer that will be knocked out with big difficulties to get it back! Once a day Max is, it seems to me, both the minimum and the maximum in term of period. In short:
- Indispensable real-time shield
- Activating the Heuristics engine highly recommended
- Daily update of the essential threat definition database
- Manual scan of your computer, advisable, to do occasionally