Tip: How to speed up your USB transfers

superspeed usb

In Windows Seven, by default, when transferring between a computer and a USB storage device, it cuts the data into parts of a size of 64KB. An update has been released by Microsoft, improving performance and speeding up transfers, but a change can be made to further improve the speed of transfers between the computer and USB hardware! This method is just to increase the size from 64KB to 2MB!  


  • Make sure your Windows Seven computer contains the KB2581464 update.

To do this, go to your Start menu, Configuration Panel, Programs. In the area on the right, click View installed updates, then search for KB2581464 using the search function at the top right of your window. If the update is nearly present, download it from this address: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2581464 Install and restart your computer.

  • Then go to your Start menu, type Regedit (which is your registry) and validate with the Entry button.
  • Unroll: HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Control, usbstor

In usbstor, you’ll find several keys that depend on USB devices, and that are named by 8 characters that match the seller’s id followed by the product id. usbstor

  • For each usbstor subkey, so for example here 05AC12xx, click left on the subkey, then go to the Edition, New, 32-bit DWORD Value (if your computer is in 32 bits) or 64-bit Qword Value (if your computer is 64 bits).
  • Rename the new key in MaximumTransferLength. Double-click on it, select Decimals and put the 2097120 value. Validate with Ok.



  • Do the same for the rest of the usbstor subkey.

  Note: With each new USB storage device installation, you’ll need to recreate the new key dedicated to this device so that it can benefit from this speed increase.   And lo and behold, your transfers from your USB sticks or external hard drives should be accelerated!

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