Monthly Archives: June 2014

In the vast majority of cases, films/series are of better quality (in terms of voice interpretation) than translated versions… I think especially of anime, or except a few, the original versions are 1000 times better than the French versions! Alas, it is sometimes difficult to find subtitles suitable for your […]

SolEol: A small program to make it easier to find ...

In Windows Seven, by default, when transferring between a computer and a USB storage device, it cuts the data into parts of a size of 64KB. An update has been released by Microsoft, improving performance and speeding up transfers, but a change can be made to further improve the speed […]

Tip: How to speed up your USB transfers

Here is a small test of a smartphone holder, its peculiarity? Be compatible with all smartphones and situations! Because The Spider Podium of Breffo is not like all the usual non-malleable smartphone media that can be found in store, this one is in the form of a spider! Support Who […]

Review / Test: Universal SpiderPodium support from Breffo for smartphone

Since April 8, 2014, Microsoft has discontinued Windows XP updates because it cost them an arm and this version of the operating system has been around for over 10 years! ( Basically, the end of the updates should have been interrupted much earlier, but given the popularity of Windows XP, […]

Tip: how to keep getting Windows XP updates

After missing several times to see my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 fly to the ground because I had forgotten that I had the headphones after a while, I thought it was time to switch to bluetooth headphones, before it was too late. And, in order to enjoy it also by […]

Test / Reviews: Bluetooth Avantree Jogger headset