Review / Test: Universal Mount for smartphone Standfast Folding


At the level of the rest of smartphones, you of all kinds: cardboard, plastic, metal, heavy, light, flexible, clamp, hub usb, pregnant, etc… But generally, except those made of cardboard, they are quite impressive and do not allow easy transport… Many people like not too have in their pocket while they are seated, because generally it annoys, then hop on the table, with alas its consequences: claws, fall, oblivion, theft, etc… Standfast Folding is a mini support (approximately 6 cm in diameter) for smartphones that should, in principle, save you all worries cited above as long as you have a few centimetres square flat space to put your media and your smartphone. Dock-standfast-folding    


  • Ultra lightweight folding carrier
  • Quick Setup operation
  • Very useful to watch all your media
  • Fully compatible with all


The test


The support consists of 3 modules we will say: alias (1) foot base, the alias body (2) centre and the part that attaches to the smartphone, it will appoint the head (3). olixar-dock-standfast-folding When looking at the photos, we see a dip at the level of the body and looks to have the same size, and so could believe that the head could fit in the Palm and therefore the sticky part could be protected from dust… Well no, not at all, the “sticky” part stays in the open air and therefore quietly takes the dust… It is supposed to easily slip in a hand bag or Pocket… sure, there size and weight, but with the head in the open air, you can forget! Then the 3 parts are entirely plastic… lightweight plastic that does not support the weight of a smartphone… Below find the good Center of gravity, if your smartphone is a both itself little in the air, your smartphone’s screen will be face down… Required to use part of the smartphone as a basis to keep everything… At the level of “joints”, here, they are quite hard, which is a good point. No area non-slip at the foot level, although there is an area that has, apparently, been made for this… unless it is matter of aesthetics…  


Frankly very disappointed this support! It was supposed to be a bracket that would take it everywhere, easy to use, etc. Well no, this is not the case! The part that sticks to the smartphone is in the open air and thus prevents its transport without the mess and therefore lose in adherence with the smartphone. The full plastic and so fine base prevents good support of the smartphone that becomes too heavy to support. No part non-slip below. Force is only at the level of the joints. You want to put your smartphone one both self bit in height, without a part touches the mounting your rack (table or other location)? well you can forget!   The product link: test-Avis-appreciation-critique-review-2

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