We are slowly, but surely, starting to have better photo sensors on our smartphones, with auto focus, etc.
To improve our photos taken with a smartphone, there are different ways:
- Photo-taking app – adding filter on top to erase imperfections, colors, etc.
- Use different lenses/zoom
- use of a polarizing filter
Here, we can add a new accessory: the LED flash lamp!
Yes, yes, I see you coming with what you say to yourself: “Uh… it’s useless, all smartphones have the built-in flash!”
Indeed! That’s exactly right! But making a photo with the built-in flash and an outside flash, better thought out, it does not give the same result!
Plus, in case of a selfie, no flash!
There is the possibility of adding a flash to your smartphone like this portable flash from Loooqs.
- 4 BUILT-in LEDs for guaranteed light photos
- Lightweight and portable
- Connects to your device’s 3.5mm port
- Continuous light
- Charges via USB cable
The test
With a size of 2.6 x 3.2cm (port jack not included), this small box includes 4 LEDs, a mini non-removable battery, a port jack, a usb port and a tiny on/off switch.
The LED lamps are powerful enough, too powerful to use it for selfies! Because, yes, unfortunately, the intensity is not adjustable. So is the duration. In fact, nothing is adjustable, it’s all or nothing….
The port jack serves only as a support for the flash, no adjustment is possible via the port jack. Besides, you can use it very well without screwing it in a port jack.
The USB port is only used to recharge the internal battery.
The LED lamp, does its job, that is, turn on the LEDs to illuminate a scene… except there’s a little catch: there are bright artifacts!!!
It’s more telling in pictures:
With the samsung Note 4’s built-in flash
With the flash built into the Note 4 – Loooqs lamp
We begin to see in the bottom a certain yellow area, which is due to the Loooqs lamp and the illumination limit of the LEDs.
Only the Loooqs lamp
Here, we can clearly see the delimitation of LEDs, and that at their device, their light turns yellow!
Are light artifacts binding?
Yes and no, it depends on the photos you want to take.
Fortunately for us, the artifacts are only located at the edge of the light field, and do not form 4 round areas (for the 4 LEDs)!
For distant photos, this should not be a problem. For close photos with importance of the entire area photographed, yes, this will be a problem.
Despite the artifacts, one thing to remember is that the LED lamp can turn on itself 360 degrees on its port jack! In addition, you can also hold it in hand (or have a jack extension) for even more possibility, even if it starts to become less convenient!
It’s a good little portable Loooqs lamp that does its job which is just to light up a scene. Compatible with all devices (and even without). Built-in battery.
On the other hand, 2 defects: no possibility of personalization (choose which LED lit, intensity, duration, etc.) and the light artifact on the periphery.