In a world that becomes more and more wireless, there is a small group that resists always and still (the invaders) the advance that is the wireless! But more for a long time, indeed, more recharging of battery-operated Cordless is present.
Novelty? No not at all!
Small history lesson: in 1836, Nicholas Callan demonstrates that it is possible to transmit the current through a coil!
- Electric transformers use it for a long time!
- The electric toothbrush, which working in humid zone, must not have metal connectors in the open air otherwise attention to the risk of electrocution!
- etc… the list is long.
It was only in recent years, in the field of mobile phones that this system has appeared.
So if you have a Galaxy note 3 or any other device available in this list, here for example a hull of alternatives available at—noire.htm which will allow you to upgrade your device so that you can reload it wireless! Of course, will need you a suitable recharging base but the recharging cable will still work!
If you hesitate to take, you say that many places will allow you to recharge your smartphone and many public areas begin to install. Banal objects such as desk lamps are equipped with. This will allow you to free yourself from cable clutter, annoying in certain situation.
The shell uses the QI standard, in the same way as wifi or bluetooth, which guaranteed its compatibility with number of reloading wireless devices.
Moreover, this hull for the Galaxy Note 3, swell the volume on the unit, because it replaces the original.
Let’s face it, we do not like having swollen pockets! If you are satisfied with the quality of your Galaxy Note 3, so you can be on the hull, because it is designed by the same manufacturer: Samsung!
Many advantages to this technology which has a bright future!