Yearly Archives: 2010

This trick lets you translate a web site, a web page, or even a portion of text in the language that you want, with a single click! The translation will be with the Google translate service, so the translation is not perfect, but it's better than nothing! ;-) First, go […]

How to translate a web page with one click

An error has been detected. Please try again. Thank you for your patience. Here is one of the errors that you may encounter by logging into Google Analytics, and as soon as your registration. If you ever have this problem, my solution to this problem be found below.   Firstly, […]

Google Analytics: An error has been detected

Error Establishing a database connection? Or in french: Error establishing the connection to the database Well Yes, that is the message that appears on your Wordpress site where its database is temporarily overloaded or when there is an error in the file wp – config.php! To avoid your visitors an […]

WordPress: How delete and customize Error Establishing a database connection

If you want to generate multiple scripts randomly, but located in the same location, for example to switch different boards of pubs at the same place… (works with any other script) Here is the procedure… In the case of 2 scripts to chance equal: You must create 2 php files: […]

WordPress: How to randomly generate different scripts

  This trick allows your CCleaner take charge + 270 software + than expected! It presents over CCleaner so he is famous! But for those who don't know, CCleaner is a lightweight, free software that allows you to clean your computer safely and effectively! For those who know him, they […]

How to improve CCleaner

On Windows, hide a folder or a file, it's easy, just do a right click on the files or folders that you want to hide, click on "Properties" and check the "hidden"! But if you want to hide something in this manner to a person who is y knows a […]

How to make invisible its files on windows?

First of all, why to optimize its website Wordpress? For several reasons: This allows you to increase its position in the results of Google and Yahoo search engines If your site is too long to load, you may lose your visitors Time saving Gain bandwidth Will your site be online […]

How to optimize WordPress site

MyAnimeList is a site that allows you to create its list of manga and anime favorite, it is somehow the Facebook of manga. This site is ideal for all those immersed in the world of Japanese animation, as well for the "otaku" who already have read/seen hundreds of manga / […]

MyAnimeList or how manage its anime / manga?

Here is a list of software that I think are absolutely to be discovered, most of them are super, but everyone may not all know ^ ^. They are all free, almost all light, easy to take in hand, and above all do their job very well! :-) Antivirus: AntiVir […]

List of software to discover

The famous search engine Google has made available the ability to customize its home page (as on Bing). Therefore, everyone can now choose the picture or the image of their choice as Google homepage background! To do this, just be logged (connected) has its Google account and simply click on […]

Change the background image of the Google home page

The famous Google search engine has made available the ability to customize its homepage (as on Bing). Everyone can now choose the photo or image of their choice as Google home page background! To do this, just be logged (connected) has its Google account and simply click on the phrase […]

Change the background image of the Google homepage